Today's scribblings
Exams are meant only for Academical excellence?
The selection process happens in our life too.
There is no life without proper selection which is nothing but exams.
We choose a flat to live.We choose the right colour to paint our house, Right car.
We have our own choice and grade them as per our like/dislike.
Choosing partner for our life is also an examination.Here also both have equal right to accept or reject the offer.
The right selection and decision making is very essential.I have seen case where the boy get married to their parents wishes and the whole life becomes total discomfort.If someone rejects U Be happy that they have taken the right choice.
Love at first sight, might be enjoyable at fictions not for real life.
Again some one accepts U without questioning your abilities there should be ulterior motives.
This decision making process is also an exam
Hence meet your challenges with realities in mind.let us not take a hasty decision.
Success of our life depends on our selection.
Exams are meant only for Academical excellence?
The selection process happens in our life too.
There is no life without proper selection which is nothing but exams.
We choose a flat to live.We choose the right colour to paint our house, Right car.
We have our own choice and grade them as per our like/dislike.
Choosing partner for our life is also an examination.Here also both have equal right to accept or reject the offer.
The right selection and decision making is very essential.I have seen case where the boy get married to their parents wishes and the whole life becomes total discomfort.If someone rejects U Be happy that they have taken the right choice.
Love at first sight, might be enjoyable at fictions not for real life.
Again some one accepts U without questioning your abilities there should be ulterior motives.
This decision making process is also an exam
Hence meet your challenges with realities in mind.let us not take a hasty decision.
Success of our life depends on our selection.