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Sunday, November 27, 2011

chappals and thappad

The recent episode of Harvinder Singh  slapping sharad pawar indicates the mood building up in this country I am sure there are thousands of Harvinders wishing to do the same.
Citizens today are fed up by the so called leaders ho seems to be above the law.
What is witnessed is the real frustration and anger of a common man,
Chappals and Thappads are outlets of deep rooted anger, I only pray god that we should not end up in Tahrir square

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Revolution 2020

Today I read Revolution 2020, chetan Bhagat new one talks about coaching centers which has started mushrooming, and writing is really good.
How is it this guy is becoming popular every day? He writes current issues allow all to understand the matter. He maintains the tempo from the page one and keeps the audience attracted.

Most of his subjects are simple, Cricket, IIT, Romance, BPO, cinema etc and his style is simple. This is how he has sold nearly 50lakhs copies of his latest book.

Another point worth noting, if you read his book, you always find at least one character similar to you, His English is simple mostly combination of Hindi and English.
Recently when I went to Land mark at Nungambakam 60% of the Fiction block contained only chetan books.
He has become so popular that his banners and photos are being sold.ofcourse he has even made people like me to start reading, Every middle class person has started searching for his book and hence his readership has increased.
I won’t call him as the best writer but has managed to create his own style for the Indian readers. Every one has started experiencing and becoming a part of his writing.
His book has become relaxation to most of my friends.
Finally the books are affordable too.
Good luck chetan

Saturday, November 12, 2011

corporation elections in chennai

As the results of the elections to the Chennai Corporation council come in and a certain trend seems clearly evident even as I write this, I am trying to see how letter writers and local area councillors could play a more pro-active role in the five years ahead.
There is a community of people which shoots off complaints or throws suggestions and expects the elected and the officials to get a job done.
And there is a community which does not care a thing.
But for the people of our neighbourhoods who do care a bit, there is an opportunity to get involved in many different ways in your area.
Most people who have now become councillors of your wards may not have even raised a finger in community life. Some may be people who got the ticket and the 'yes' vote because the ward is reserved for women and the man who aspired for the ticket did the second best.
In many wards, you are going to have councillors who have little to do with grass root politics and are hardly aware of a councillor's rights and responsibilities.
And yet, if a few good men and women in each ward step forward today and form a group which can work alongside the just-elected councillor, things can change.
Discussing key local issues, drawing projects, lobbying for funds, creating links with local communities and auditing civic projects and services are some of the many things that people of a ward can do.
It is one thing to dash of a letter to the councillor asking him or her to get the garbage at your street corner cleared and another to be part of a group that draws up a garbage clearance plan and helps to keep it in place.
Imagine the positive impact a neighbourhood group and a councillor working together can have on local affairs.