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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Jokers Land

We are ub Joker's land.  or President, yet you will not get the capital punishment. Good, very good. There are plenty of lawyers to argue your case and there are plenty of politicians to save your life. Forget about the PM and President, it is a matter one one man's life. How can these politicians and lawyers argue to save these convicts from capital punishment., on the pretext of delayed decision. Does the delay wipe out the crime according to the law? Had it been for the lawyers' kin and/or these politicians kin to be murdered would they have tolerated the crime and asked for pardon for the convicts? What a pitty. we are living in these foolish politicians governance.

if this is justice to our ex-PM what about common man. Politicians can change indian law.
 People like Vaiko only do posturing, they have not done any good for Tamils till date. As a Tamil I am ashamed that some gullible folks in TN are getting misled by such 'Dravidians' who actually care two hoots for the Tamils. There only agenda is to somehow keep Tamils away from the mainstream and keep their own ilk in power in TN. It is high time true Tamil lovers show these people the door.
t's Great shame for India , the person who killed PM and state govt. and court are supporting them ...they are supporting because this guys from that state ...shame on such leader and court....if president will approve this plea request then after for Kasab also some will support.....
anumon lakshmi

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