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Monday, August 8, 2011

The S.M.A.R.T. goal test:

 Before setting any goal, be sure it has passed the S.M.A.R.T. goal test:

Specific: Goals that are specific are much more likely to be attained than those that are general.

Measurable: Attach specific 'numbers' to your goals, so you can tell whether or not you're getting closer to reaching it.

Attainable: Be sure your goals are just slightly out of your reach, rather than 'pie in the sky' goals.

Realistic: This means, YOU are willing to reach that goal and are able to do so under your current circumstances.

Timely: Be sure your goal has a specific deadline. Not 'someday' but rather a specific date.

Realistic Setting goals is such an important part of our lives. Doing so propels us to higher levels and helps us achieve more successes in life. If you scroll down in this newsletter, you'll find an article directly related to setting and achieving your goals. It's called 'You Gotta Have Goals' and I know it can help any success-oriented individual.

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